Comparison of the UK & US Education Systems

What’s the distinction between UK and US Education Systems?

Numerous worldwide schools in Poland, most frequently global secondary schools, use educational programs from the UK or the US. Their understudies take tests controlled in every one of these systems. We often catch wind of GCSE, IGCE, A-Levels, SAT, ACT, and many individuals don’t have the foggiest idea of these abbreviations and their tests.

In this article, we make sense of the education systems in the UK and the USA, at what age kids concentrate on in each grade, and what tests understudies take in these nations.

The education framework in the UK

In Extraordinary England, Britain, Ridges, and Northern Ireland follow the Public Educational plan for specific varieties. Scotland, then again, has its educational program.

Students step through exams at the primary stages of their schooling. In the UK, kids start legitimate education at four years, sooner than in the US. Then the two-year program beginning at 14 years of age wraps up with the GCSE (General Statement of Discretionary Training – O-Levels or standard levels until 1988), and the accompanying two-year program starting at 16 years of age is designated with the English “Baccalaureate” — extra school acknowledgment tests, i.e., A-Level tests. (Undeniable Level). It could be said that the structure leads students toward extending specialization.


The GCSE (General Authentication of Optional Education) is the principal school-leaving testament in Britain, Ribs, and Northern Ireland (Scotland has an autonomous public capabilities framework). It’s by and large exceptionally esteemed by advanced education establishments and managers.

Lately, the UK government has presented a GCSE change program, including an evaluating framework that utilizations numbers (1-9) rather than letters (A-G).

GCSEs are accessible in around 50 subjects and go before full-time five-semester courses. GCSE tests are taken in May/June when understudies are in Grade 11 (Year 11), and their outcomes are distributed in August.


The Worldwide GCSE (IGCSE) is a generally seen test at a comparable level as the GCSE. It hopes to embrace a more excellent approach to managing learning.

According to the School of Cambridge Worldwide Evaluations (CIE) board, which is the supervising assortment of IGCSE for free schools in the UK, the test “engages a solicitation based method for managing obtaining and cultivates the capacities of creative thinking, assessment, and decisive reasoning, giving students superb preparation for the accompanying period of their schooling. “

Schools might offer any blend of subjects for which every understudy gets a different declaration. There are over 70 subjects, including more than 30 language courses, offering various choices for understudies with many capacities; it isn’t English to incorporate those whose first language.

A levels

The A-level confirmation was presented in 1951 in remarkable England and is remembered to address the best open doors for driving schools.

Levels are taken between 16 and 18 and are more testing than GCSEs. They can’t be taken without GCSE passes in comparable subjects. To get into the school, you should breeze through two assessments.

The education framework in the US

In the US framework, less accentuation is put on assessments, and understudies concentrate on broad subjects for the rest of secondary school, Level 12, which could be compared to Year 13.

In the US, most youngsters go to preschool part-time, yet state-gave education doesn’t begin until Kindergarten (Year 1 in the UK).

In the early years, kids are slowly acquainted with learning, with a solid accentuation on socialization and creating essential language and math abilities. It’s acknowledged that from kindergarten through Grade 3. kids get crucial information that is applied and grown thoroughly in Grade 4.

The US framework is ordinarily partitioned into three levels

• Fundamental: Primary school (K – Grade 5),

• Center school (Grades 6-8)

• Secondary school (Grades 9-12)

The educational plan in the US is generally comprehensive, and understudies are supposed to concentrate on many subjects — like English, math, science, unknown dialects, history, craftsmanship, music, and primary education — the entire way to Level 12.

Students are assessed close to the completion of each grade when they go on toward the accompanying. However, the tests are not comprehensively standardized, and little affect their development to the accompanying level. Regardless, they can help choose at what level a student can pick a course in the following grade — essentially significant level. Nevertheless, there are no tests in the US comparable to GCSE or A-Levels.

In the US, math and science are educated successively as opposed to all the while. An understudy in Grade 9 can concentrate on material science in one year, trailed by a time of science in Grade 10. In like manner, understudies progress from variable-based math to calculation, geometry, analytics, etc.

Toward the finish of secondary school, US understudies apply for school education given various components: their grades in every one of the four years of secondary school found the median value of GPA (Grade Point Normal), results from different tests, educators’ perspectives, and individual accomplishments and extracurricular/volunteer exercises.


Be that as it may, universities in the US frequently expect more data about imminent understudies than what the GPA and secondary school confirmation can offer. Consequently, numerous understudies decide to take the SAT (otherwise called the Educational Inclination Test) or the Demonstration (the American School Test), the two of which are broadly perceived tests taken toward the finish of secondary school.

“Practically all profoundly appraised US colleges expect candidates to submit results from one of the US confirmation tests — SAT or ACT,” says Jon Tabbert, head of selecting at counseling firm Dukes Education and Jon Tabbert Partners. “A decent grade is basic to an effective application.”

ACT is one more government-sanctioned test for secondary school understudies wishing to learn at colleges or universities in the US. Like the SAT, it evaluates the overall scholastic fitness of secondary school understudies and the capacity to learn at the school level. The tests are decisions and cover four regions: English, math, perusing, and science. They additionally incorporate a discretionary test that actions the understudy’s short paper abilities.

Worldwide, understudies can take the Demonstration and SAT outside the US to attend American colleges and schools.

High-level Position

A high-level Position (AP) is one more instructing and evaluation program intended to assist US advanced education establishments with surveying understudies for confirmation. It’s created and managed by the School Board, the association liable for SAT testing.

AP is explicitly intended to be firmly connected with the first year of the understudy’s concentration in quite a while, so understudies typically take the program to show an interest in a field or subject they desire to seek after at the school level.

Per the Fulbright Commission, AP is more thorough and top to bottom than standard secondary school courses presented in US schools and contrasts nicely with A-Levels and Global Baccalaureate (IB), the two of which are viewed as the best quality of capability for college confirmation.

While AP isn’t necessary to enter an American college, understudies can exhibit an obligation to the field they desire to concentrate on by taking AP courses. Also, particularly for the most aggressive colleges, effectively getting done with these tasks might allow them better opportunities for confirmation.

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