Does Green Hydrogen A Future Fuel Option?

People have become more aware of the requirement to work together to reduce the bad effects of global warming. Most developed and emerging countries have agreed to net zero carbon output goals to help this cause. which is the third biggest creator of CO2 in the world, has taken several steps to lower its carbon output.

To have no emissions at all by 2070. Since of this, the government is demanding more people use GREEN HYDROGEN. Especially to get businesses like ammonia, factories, iron and steel, methanol, and heavy-duty trucks to reduce carbon emissions.

One of the best countries in the world at fighting climate change. The movement is expected to be driven by its use of green hydrogen. During the 75th Independence Day events in 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared the National Hydrogen Mission.

This was the first big step the country took toward using green hydrogen. He laid out a plan for the country’s hydrogen growth over the next 25 years. He also said he wants to make a big center for making and shipping green hydrogen.

What Is Green Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the lightest and most usual element in nature. It is the initial element on the periodic table. Just like power, hydrogen must be made from something else. Hydrogen can be made from water, fossil fuels, or waste. It can be split and utilized as a fuel or source of energy.

Electrolysis is a way to make hydrogen. It uses an electric current to split the hydrogen and oxygen in the water. Since no carbon is released while making green hydrogen, the cleanest fuel on the market right now, the energy must come from natural sources like the wind, sun, water, etc.

The present yearly need for hydrogen is 70 million metric tons, with natural gas accounting for 76%, coal accounting for 23%, and water electrolysis accounting for 4%. The goal is to make more hydrogen through electrolysis and less hydrogen through the other two ways. Green hydrogen and hydrogen made from natural gas may cost the same by 2030, if not sooner.

Points To Consider For Green Hydrogen

A structure that brings together the main things that make green energy and water supplies cheap and plentiful are:

Clean Energy And Water

The first thing that makes green hydrogen possible is access to renewable energy and water. A green hydrogen economy needs and is driven by both of these things. So It needs to focus on making enough of each. In 2030 the country will require 500 GW of non-fossil energy, with 300 GW generated by solar photovoltaics.

At the moment, the rate of capacity growth is less than the needed 30 GW per year. It also uses the most freshwater of any country in the world. As the city’s people and businesses grow, so will its water needs. It needs to put money into environmentally friendly purification and water processing technology and work harder to build the facilities to meet the huge demand for green hydrogen.


The main businesses driving the demand for industrial green hydrogen are the refinery and fertilizer sectors, followed by the cement, steel, metals, and chemical industries. When it comes to the second driver, the major goal of building renewable hydrogen capacity must be to replace the use of gray hydrogen in “hard-to-abate” industries such as cement, iron and steel, chemicals, oil and gas, which are responsible for 30% of total GHG emissions.

Accenture’s research shows that using green methods to make ammonia could lead to a 10% and 50% green premium. This seems too high to be passed on to farms and customers without hurting food security, and it could cause food item prices to rise by between 3% and 26%. Because of this, the government needs to take important steps to build a different, safe, and economically viable market for first-mover businesses.

Infrastructure For Distribution

The third driver focuses on building the infrastructure to send and share green hydrogen. Natural gas needs pipes, liquefaction plants, trucks, holding sites, and engines. Buildingruct a network of hydrogen pipelines that connects industry hubs with places across the country with many green energy sources is crucial.

In addition to adding a certain amount of hydrogen to the natural gas piping network. Hydrogen needs to be kept at high pressures and in enough quantities because it leaks easily and makes pipes weak. Infrastructure for storing hydrogen will need to be better, and new pipeline materials like fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) and others that meet hydrogen-specific standards will need to be used.

Policy And Funding

To build a strong hydrogen economy, Production Linked Incentive (PLI) programs will need to make important and quick changes to how electrolyzers and related parts are made. Green hydrogen production could also increase if fertilizers and factories had to use a certain amount. To meet the lofty goals, money must come from grants, national green bonds, and pledges to global climate finance.

The Future Of Green Hydrogen

Even though it got off to a slow start, the low cost of making energy from green sources gives it an edge in this shift. The green hydrogen project could move forward quickly with the right policy and financial measures. There is no doubt that a big chance is waiting for the country.

Its future is in green hydrogen, which could cost less than $1 per kilogram and make it the cheapest place to make it. It will need both state and private businesses to work together. As well as assistance from the authority and, most importantly, the use of technology to make this possible.

So far, companies have taken advantage of the chance to use green hydrogen. As shown by the fact that big projects to build infrastructure around green energy and hydrogen production have been announced. But businesses need to work together more to get more value out of transportation and storage.



Geographical situation gives it a big edge when making green hydrogen. There are a lot of natural riches there. It also benefits from cheap green energy sources, and costs drop quickly for electrolyzers. It can make green hydrogen production cheaper by making it easier for the country to produce, store, and send sustainable energy. This will ensure it has enough energy and help it become more self-sufficient.

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